Friday, May 6, 2011

Mom and Dad come to Fairbanks!

This past week, I was stressed out beyond belief. I called mom and dad and vented to them and they asked me if it was time for them to come up? Well, needless to say - they showed up! I was pretty excited to see them at a time of such irritation, confusion, and stress. Dad made it just in time to give me a blessing before taking my CDL drive test. I was so nervous, but luckily the blessing helped calm my nerves and reflect the information I have been taught in training. I only had one day to really spend some time with them, Fairbanks training was crazy unorganized, but a blast meeting new people and getting acquainted with individuals who work in different divisions in our company.

I only had Thursday to spend with mom and dad. When I asked them what they wanted to do, they told me they wanted to go to North Pole, Alaska. North Pole is about 15 miles from Fairbanks. Then mom also wanted to see the University of Alaska Fairbanks Muskox and Reindeer research station. Here are some photos from our day together.

Pregnant Reindeer

The biggest Reindeer in the pen

Baby Reindeer

Missing one antler

Me and a Muskox:)

Mom and Dad and the Muskox


Santa Clauses house

Me riding shot-gun in Santa's sleigh

Mom and Dad

Santa's Reindeer. A different type of breed form the UAF reindeer. These are much stronger - probably to contribute to their job in December:)


Adam & Brandi said...

Too fun! So glad that they made it up there and were able to visit, even though it may have been a brief visit. Congratulations on your performance in training! You make me/us proud. Work hard. Be safe. Pray often. The Lord is with you and will watch over, protect, and be your CONSTANT companion. Know and believe that.


I'm jealous that I don't have the flight benefits and couldn't join them. I could have house shopped while up there! :)