Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas Amanda:)

This year I wanted to get creative with the gifts for my friends:) A few months ago, my good friend from work Amanda was riding in her boyfriends truck late at night when a moose ran into the side of his truck going 70mph. Needless to say the truck was totaled, and they spent four hours in the ER checking out Arod making sure she was OK. Luckily this horrific experience turned out OK, but since - they hate moose. But, I thought I would make her a tie fleece blanket to remind her that regardless the obstacles that the life throws at us, we can still be warm and comfortable:)

It's Maroon, Blue, Grey, Brown, and Beige on the front side and the back is plain Maroon.

It's a 1.5 yd x 1.5 yd.

It was a fun project. I got to watch Polar Express and work hard the whole times.