Monday, March 7, 2011

Bearlake, Utah 2011

I was so grateful that I was able to attend Bearlake this year! This annual family trip is always full of food, laughter, love, and games. My decision this year was very last minute depending on finances, class schedule, homework load, and weather. Friday morning, the morning of departure, I decided I just couldn't miss out on the fun and would do whatever it takes to go enjoy quality family time, and one afternoon snowmobiling. Friday night we had horrible, horrible, horrible weather. A foot of snow, driving in a car that doesn't have snow tires. Luckily, Andrew decided in Pocatello, ID to take over at the wheel. Thankfully I surrendered and turned it over to him. We met up with a plow at the Utah state-line which was a blessing and a half as we would not have made it without it. We pulled into the resort around 11 pm to unload, and got stuck once in the parking lot in front of the office. After unloading we had pizza, and went to bed:)

After a long Friday we all slept in and woke up the sound of children playing and attempting to be quiet. Such a blessing these little ones are in the family. Much to my surprise Stephanie didn't send in the children to wake Aunt Deanna up:) We sat around all morning, then decided it was time to stop burning daylight. We headed up to the "sinks" and parked the trailer. Mom rode along with the two children to babysit so she could participate at least one day in the fun. I had to find "my jump" to take pictures on. Matt and Andrew diligently rode around trying to find me anything that was remotely a jump, but there was so much snow and powder it seemed impossible! It was rumored to be the most and best snow ever seen up there, so we were fortunate to be able to enjoy. Finally Matt and Andrew found a semi-jump off a trial that was on the side of a steep hill...I reluctantly rode to the top, looked down and pondered. If my brothers could do it-so could I. I timidly went down the hill at first - no air. I attempted this like 4 times before my skis even lifted off the ground. Luckily Matt was at the bottom (every time) to capture my would-be jump of the year:) Dad waited for the three of us to finish our fun. He always makes a nice spot for himself in a clearing to watch everyone enjoy themselves. We would ride down every so often and check in on him! It was so much fun out with my dad and brothers.

Then we headed back to the truck in time to let Stephanie hop on for a short ride in the fields. But it was short-lived as the ski on one of the sleds (particularly the one I was riding) just fell off while I was riding the trail...of all places. But we were lucky to have Andrew with us! He tied up the broken ski and we close enough to the parking lot for him to just ride it back to load it up. I felt bad but was reassured over and over that it wasn't my fault that this exact part was replaced just weeks before in a shop.

We played games and enjoyed each other company the rest of the evening, and continued the good times on through Sunday. I had to leave at 7 am Monday morning in order to make it back for classes...Oh being responsible is hard sometimes. But I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and am grateful for the time I got to spend with my two siblings and parents. Wish the WHOLE family could have been there!

David gearing up to go Riding!

Me having a good time in a field

prepping the sleds to ride! Rocking batman and the aviators.

Dad enjoying the new, fresh powder.

Dad observing from a distance. He was so far out there, and looked stranded-but he was cozy

my jump of the year, 2011

Going out for the second time

David is all ready for his nap! He always falls asleep


All in all - fun in the snow:)


Adam & Brandi said...

Yea! Finally! This is the post I've been waiting for. Unfortunately, I saw the pictures on Matt's book of face lastnight. Yeah. I bet you can guess where I was at when I saw them. *wink* But they look way better on the screen of the computer! Thanks for posting the pictures.
