Thursday, August 28, 2008

My bear

On our way to our MPL vs. DPL softball game we came across a ton of cars and a trooper pulled over on the side of the road. We knew that there had to have been wildlife somewhere there in the area. Considering Chris had seen a grizzly bear right around there early that morning we figured it was a bear. We looked and low and behold walking right alongside the road was a grizzly bear. First one i've seen this season, and perhaps the only one i'll see. I love bears, they are so cute:) But I don't ever want to cross one like I had earlier on this season.


Adam & Brandi said...

Scary! I've never seen a real bear, but I think it would be cool. If I were in a vehicle. I always hope to see one at the cabin when we go out on the atv's but could you imagine? I hope to but then honestly I would probably die if it were to ever happen.

Stephanie & Andrew Hansen said...

Well, if you (brandi or deanna) came back to rexburg, we could take you to yellowstone. We are the bear finding experts. We know how to find them in yellowstone. And we even see grizzly's. We'll show you someday!

JLynn said...

Or, you could come to Colorado and go golfing...Bears roam most of the golf courses here! Just Black Bears though...we don't have grizzlies here.