Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I was flipping through these photos that were in a tub at Grandpa Scoullers house that Adam so kindly put on a DVD for our family. I was looking at mom and dad's wedding photographs and realized, RIGHT NOW I LOOK JUST LIKE MY MOM IN 1974! It's crazy. I honestly couldn't tell the difference if I didn't know any better. I can only hope I look half as beautiful on my wedding day (whenever that time may come) as my mother did on hers. I do have one complaint though : Dad hideous suit. I'm sorry, but bright pink, and lemon yellow, and black - that was never in fashion. Hot mess is what I like to call that:)

Mom and Dad cutting their wedding cake! (Do you see me in there?)

Mom and dad. Holy cow, if mom had just a little bit longer hair I could crop everyone else out and use this as a self portrait!

Look how happy my parents are:) Awww - true and enduring love!