Sunday, September 5, 2010

A beautiful week

This week has been truly eventful in so many different ways. I started the week with lots of work. In fact, today (Sunday) is my first day off in 15 days:) It feels so good to have a break - especially on Sunday! Work has been crazy busy with training 4 new individuals who all pretty much started at the same exact times. I have been pretty stressed but the new additions have been super fun to spend time with and get to know.

Thursday I set up an appointment downtown to take Grandma Noble to have her hair trimmed and permed. It was so cute watching her chat with her stylist Kellie. It was like they are best friends they way they talked. Then Grandma fell asleep in the chair - it was adorable:)

Grandma Noble getting her perm! She said her hair has not been this long since she was in High School!

Grandma Noble enjoying a shampoo:)

The September air has become a little more chilly lately. The views have been gorgeous. I always have said that Fall is the prettiest season, which is why it's my favorite seasons.

Fall also contains the best sunsets. This truly capped off a great week. Every time I see a sunset, I'm reminded Christ loves me. It's the natural beauties of the Earth that help me appreciate the small and simple things:)


Adam & Brandi said...

Deanna I love the pictures of the sunset! You know I love sunsets. I interpret it as Heavenly Father saying goodnight to me. You got two really good shots! I'm jealous. I love them.