Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Preparation for Winter

It's the time of year again. When my dad spends tireless hours outside preparing our property for winter. A lot of the time, I am unable to help him due to my work schedule. This particular afternoon I was able to spend a few hours helping him remove the boat lift covers off the lifts. It was the coldest experience of the fall season thus far:)

yes, that's right! I was in the water....in October.

Maneuvering the ladder in waist deep water, in flip flops was a feat all in itself. My shoe kept getting stuck in the clay, and it didn't help that the ladder was SO TOP HEAVY!

I was ground support in the water while dad undead the strings on the lift covers.

It wasn't the most stable ground.

attempting to raise the ladder up high enough to reach the top!

Trying to take down the ladder so dad could pick it up onto the dock!

It was freezing cold, but I am glad I was able to help mom and dad. I can't imagine how dad would have taken down the lift-cover on his own. The cold throws dad's head wacky - therefore I don't think he could have gotten in the cold temperatures and still be able to think clearly. It wasn't until I got out of the water, and changed for work that I realized, we have hip waiters, and a wet suit. I guess that would have sucked all the fun out of the experience though! haha