Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Valentines Day

For Valentines day this year, my roommates and I decided to exchange valentines. We put out our things for each other the night prior. I was second to last in bed, and the last one to wake up in the morning. When I awoke, My roommates had surprised me with a secret gift from Kevin. He had sent me flowers, of FRIDAY, and they put them out Monday Morning! Although I have never liked Roses, Kevin knowing this wrote a really adorable note - and said I should expect a lot of roses in the future, and hopefully with this meaning behind them, I will grow to love them! He is so sweet!

They were a beautiful center piece for the apartment dinner table:) What a pleasure to look at Catherine even used some of her skills from her flower arranging class, to doctor them up a bit! They were beautiful!

This is my valentines exchange bag for F.H.E that evening. We played games, ate cupcakes, and decorated and exchanged valentines:)

I also got to babysit Hannah and David on Valentines. They are the only special little ones nearby that I got to celebrate with. When I walked in the door David was real excited for my valentines surprise. He went over in the kitchen, and brought back a large heart-shaped cookie with my name on it...(Noble family tradition) thank you Stephanie and David!

My roommates and I tie-dyed shirts the night prior with cute little conversational hear sayings ironed on. We even made a couple of our F.H.E brothers participate. We wore these shirts all day - even on campus:)

My roommates and I.

Showing off our conversational heart words. Mine says "Love Bug"

Amy and I playing games at F.H.E

For being a valentines hater, my roommates, my sister, and Kevin really made it special - and gave it more meaning then the hallmark store. I am so grateful for all the beautiful individuals in my life. I couldn't be more blessed to be surrounded by so much love. I am happy the way day turned out, and am excited for future holidays shared with them:)