Sunday, April 3, 2011

Class Projects/Finals

The best thing about being a Child Development major is that most of my finals and midterms are projects! Makes studying and the wrap up of the semester so much better! So for my science foundations class, my group was instructed to form an experiment that measured and observation. We decided to take different intersections surrounding campus and evaluate if students stop at the stop-signs, or roll on through to traffic. We then had to present our results via a poster board. I was going to miss the class where we turned in the poster, so after a failed group meeting I said I would finish our poster. The two guys in our group had decided they wanted a stop sign on the poster - attempting to be creative. The gave me the poster Thursday afternoon. When I received it, i thought it would be an easy task to finish - but it was no such thing. I tried arranging the poster in different layouts, but nothing was helping the sad, sad stop sign. I called another girl in my group, and together, we agreed the poster had to be redone - practically from scratch. So I went over to her apartment and we worked on it for probably 3 hours. Here are the before and after pictures.



HAHA such a huge difference. We went from a 6th grade poster project, to a college level. It was stressful though cause I did not plan on it taking that much work, I guess that's what I get for offering my services to clean up the guys work. But my other class projects are not group projects. They are primarily all on my own, which is nice cause I can be responsible for my own work. In my children's' literature class, we had to create a book report. I did my book report on one of my favorite children's book, The Rainbow Fish, I made a giant fish. I cut out circle scales. When I presented, I asked the class to each write a characteristic of a good friend, I collected the scales and taped them back to the fish. I created a fish that held qualities of a friend that were important to my class. My teacher loved the idea, and asked if she could keep the fish for future examples of this specific project. I know I did well on this final, which is a blessing as it has been the most busy work class I have ever taken. I had to read 60 children's books, and do book reports on them. If you are a teacher, and need to find good books for your classroom, analyze my blog of the 60 books I critiqued this semester: The Best Is Yet To Be Read.

Here is the rainbow fish I created out of tissue paper, poster board, and glue!

I have loved my class schedule this semester. The work load hasn't been too bad, although there has been a little bit more busy work then I was used too. For instance, in Children's Literature we had to create books like the book, The hungry hungry caterpillar. Here is my rendition:

Overall, finals aren't that bad this semester, just plum full of a lot of projects and artwork.