Saturday, April 16, 2011

He loves me:)

Right before I left, Kevin gave me the most beautiful piece of jewelry as a promise. It sparkles, and shines and fits perfectly. We were going to have it sized to a quarter size bigger, but it would take a week to two weeks, so we opted to just go through the summer with it just the way it is. It's hard to get a good picture of it, you have to have just the right lighting (especially with my phone) But it is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L none-the-less. So, what does this ring mean. It's a PROMISE RING. It means I'm taken, and I love him. This sumer will be such an adventure, but it will be great to save up some money, enjoy the great weather, focus on work, work hard, and come back to a wonderful boyfriend!

It was real nice of him to find something so pretty for me to always remember him by. He is the greatest:)

FYI : To all those who like drama - this is not an engagement ring!


Stephanie & Andrew Hansen said...

Barf. He may be in love with you, but too bad you ONLY wish you could be in love with him. How DARE you lead a guy on. What am I saying...that is all you have ever done! Look at your record sister. This isn't the first ring that has ever been on your finger.