Saturday, April 16, 2011

Skills Tests

yayyyyy! I can sucessfully say I parallel parked the coach. It's a hard task - or so they say. I had a double training session today. Spent all day in the parking lot maneuvering through obstacles courses. I didn't really find them that difficult. In fact, my trainer made me go the extra mile, and go backwards through the obstacles...NO ONE ELSE DID THAT! But it was great, I was able to accomplish this feat with little to not instruction the first few times, then he stepped off and he had me complete them a few times on my own:) Although no one else did this specific step (going backwards) I feel as though I am more comfortable with my vehicle, and the depths and diameters required to maneuver tight turns. The courses set up were Parallel parking, both from drivers side and opposite, Off set ally (and backing), 90 _____ dock (don't remember the name) and slollum forward and backing through cones. It was such a pleasant day. The weather was spectacular, the sun was shining and I even got a little bit of a tan through my front windshield. I am feeling more and more comfortable with the coach, and becoming more familiar with my mirrors. This is all a whole new experience and I'm loving all the learning I can get through this training!