Sunday, December 30, 2007

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It has been an eventful passed week. I got home on Thursday and spend all day friend with my grandparents and parents. On Saturday i spent the afternoon in Couer d'alene with my mom and dad, then went on to the airport in spokane to pick up Del. At 10 o'clock he arrived and we drove back to his house, where we visited for a couple hours, and then I came home. On sunday I went to church with my parents then later that evening over to Del's to watch movies. Monday flew by as it was christmas eve, Del came over to my house, and we had some fun...Ate some food, watched TV and was kind of relaxing. He was sick the whole time he was here so he was really drained but luckily he hardly showed it! Tuesday was christmas, what a wonderful day it was. We opened stockings at 10am and presents at 2pm. Ate dinner at grandmas at 5pm and i worked at 5:30. At 10 I called Del and he met me back at my place to open our gifts to eachother. His coat was too short in the arms...that was pretty sad I almost cried because I spent so much time to look for the perfect coat...Oh well it happens when you date a big boy:) He bought me a fruit dehydrater and I"ve been drying fruit ever sense. It's been really fun to make some tasty treats. Friday I went to CDA with Jeremy and Morgan, where we had Birthday dinner with Adam and Brandi. On the way home Jeremy dropped my by Del's house so that I could get my car, I spent some time with him, and headed home when it began to snow. The weather was terrible for driving, but I made it alright. On saturday we went snowmobiling up trestle creek, Del got stuck twice. It was foggy but i enjoy going slow on the trails. I know at bearlake Stephanie will enjoy the same with me, i'm a chicken what can I say. On the way back I almost got lost, scared the piss out of me, but Del walked to my RESCUE! Teach him to let me lead lol. Later that evening I went over there, watched him eat dinner, and pack some. Then watched Elf and came home when it started snowing again. He's gone now, i'm so sad...i miss him terribly but i just found out that horizon DOES fly into DENVER, so maybe I will be able to go visit him sooner than I thought. He is going to Bearlake in like 2 months but I'd like to see him atleast once every month. I work tomorrow night, (New Years Eve) Adam and Brandi are on there way up here now with some friends so we'll see how that goes. They should have some decent sledding tomorrow as the snow is fresh powder and the weather is looking fairly promising....I'm greatful for all i've been blessed with this year, and am looking forward to 2008!