Monday, May 24, 2010

An Act of Service

A few months back we went up to Libby, MT for a day of service, and dodge ball:) We met at the bishops house where he had a few projects laid out for us to begin. We tore out the front porch that was rotting, raked the lawn, built a ramp to the door, fertilized the lawn, and chopped wood. There was 6 of us total that went up together:) It was a lot of fun to work side by side, pull nails and boards, and chat with the Libby/Troy missionaries. Staci Leonard and the Bishop provided a lunch/meal for us and we headed to the church for dodge ball. We ended up playing soccer, which was way fun. Good friends, positive memories:)

Tearing out the deck.

Katie Curtiss and Rashell Trunell raking the lawn

fun fun fun with Kim!

Matthew Bouse and John Hull chopping wood

Rick had a health fair at work before the service project so he still had his outfit on!